

仔细看看十大正规赌博平台大全排行的高层领导吧, a team of innovators and experts who guide our mission and expand our accessibility.


大卫 德克,Ph值.D.

大卫 R. 德克尔于2007年加入十大正规赌博平台大全排行担任校长. 在他的领导下, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行关注的是学生成绩的显著成就, through which graduates are empowered to rise in their professions and to strengthen their contributions to their families, 社区和雇主. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行已成为一所博士学位授予大学. 德克的任期, and has also established a world-class 指令al Innovation Center focusing on enhancing student learning and student success. Dr. 德克尔毕业于格林内尔学院,拥有硕士学位.A. 和Ph值.D. 从堪萨斯大学毕业,并获得了硕士学位.B.A. 来自宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院. 了解更多关于博士. 大卫 R. 德克尔.

麦夫 Briskey, DBA

麦夫 Briskey于2006年加入十大正规赌博平台大全排行担任首席财务官. Dr. 布里斯基被提升为副总裁 & 2011年担任首席财务官,高级副总裁 & 2014年担任首席财务官. 在他的领导下, the Chief Financial Office focuses on providing both strategic operational and programmatic support to the University. The Chief Financial Office establishes and communicates both fiscal and safety and security policies and procedures; oversees $111 million in net assets, and a $90 million investment pool; and reviews and establishes internal control procedures to safeguard financial and human capital assets. Dr. Briskey持有Hillsdale College的会计学士学位, 首都大学工商管理硕士, 并获得贝克学院工商管理博士学位.

卡尔 棕色(的)

卡尔 W. 棕色(的) joined 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 in 2009 and supports the University’s campus auxiliary services, 建筑和改造项目的管理, 并担任大学与校长的主要房地产联络人. 卡尔 has been a licensed real estate agent for over 25 years and also brings over 30 years of experience in the oversight of operational and construction support services. 他带来了良好财政管理的理念, value engineering and service to others in his approach to management and leadership. 卡尔 studied Industrial Design at The 俄亥俄州 State University with an emphasis on interior space design and visual communications. He earned both his Bachelor of Science in 应用管理 and a Master’s of Science in 商业心理学 from 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. 卡尔 helps to represent 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 in the community by being a member of the Discovery Special Improvement District board on which he currently chairs.

克里斯蒂 Cabungcal

在她的角色中 as 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s chief of staff and senior vice president for administration, 克里斯蒂 Cabungcal is a member of the president’s cabinet and key administrative leader. She works to support the achievement of organizational goals by aligning Franklin’s human capital and infrastructure strategies, 同时监督社区关系办公室, 配合大学的使命和策略计划. 在她的角色中, 克里斯蒂与大学领导合作,促进合作文化, 赋权, 和成就.
克里斯蒂 earned a bachelor’s degree in 心理学 as well as an MBA from Otterbein College. 克里斯蒂 served on the Board of Directors for Goodwill 哥伦布 for nine years and continues to be a strong supporter of their work.

比尔 陈

比尔 陈 is the current Senior Vice 总统 of Strategic Alliances for 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, where he has helped to build and expand the University’s national reach through community college and corporate partnerships since 2002. 比尔 has been vital to the growth of the university’s Community College Alliance program, where his team has spearheaded the establishment of over 130 community college partnerships across the United States. He has also been instrumental in the establishment of Franklin’s workforce development initiative, FranklinWORKS, 已经发展到120多家财富500强公司的合作伙伴, 组织和非营利组织. His partners centric focus and creative mindset has developed innovative transfer products such as 通路门户 for community colleges and no-out of pocket programs such as U-Learn and Earn + Learn for corporate partners. 比尔在十大正规赌博平台大全排行获得工商管理硕士学位, 他在Hiram College获得工商管理学士学位, 获得肯特州立大学传播学学士学位.

戈弗雷 门德斯,Ph值.D.

作为负责全球项目和战略计划的高级副总裁. Mendes has guided 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s expansion of educational opportunities around the world. He has led negotiations resulting in partnership agreements for learning through online and hybrid formats enabling greater global awareness of faculty and students alike. Dr. Mendes’ educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Warner College, 韦伯斯特大学MBA, 获得菲尼克斯大学计算机信息系统硕士学位, 并获得伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校管理学硕士学位, 香槟. 此外,他还拥有博士学位.D. 卡佩拉大学组织管理和国际商务专业毕业.

林恩 Rouzer, Ph值.D.

林恩tte Rouzer serves 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 as the Senior Vice 总统 of Student Affairs and Enrollment 管理. Dr. Rouzer is passionate about innovation and student success while providing the highest degree of service to support students as they strive to achieve their goals. 她领导着主要的面向学生的团队, 包括招生管理, 金融援助, and various student affairs functions that support students throughout their Franklin experience. Dr. 鲁泽获得了B.S. 和M.Ed. 她从俄亥俄大学获得博士学位.D. 获得卡佩拉大学高等教育领导学硕士学位.

琳达 斯蒂尔

For more than 30 years, 琳达 斯蒂尔 has served in a leadership capacity at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. In her current role as Vice 总统 of 市场营销 she has focused on expanding the University’s reach by establishing and elevating its brand position and reputation; developing, 集成, and implementing a broad range of marketing and public relations strategies; and advancing the University’s ability to serve the needs of students in central 俄亥俄州, 在美国和世界各地. 他在俄亥俄卫斯理大学(俄亥俄州 Wesleyan University)获得学士学位,并持有管理学硕士学位.俄亥俄州立大学毕业.

瑞克 Sunderman

理查德·G. 桑德曼担任高级律师. Vice 总统, Information Services and Chief Information Officer (CIO) at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. Sunderman于2011年7月加入十大正规赌博平台大全排行担任首席信息官, 拥有超过25年的技术管理经验. 在这个角色中, 他负责学校的信息技术, 机构效能(IE), 金融援助, 和注册商操作. 在2011年加入大学之前, 桑德曼为都柏林技术公司提供技术咨询服务, 还担任过副总统, Qwest通信信息系统. 俄亥俄州立大学的毕业生, Sunderman serves on the 操作 委员会 of Junior Achievement of Central 俄亥俄州.

克里斯多夫 华盛顿,Ph值.D.

克里斯托弗·L. Washington serves 教务长兼执行副校长,负责学术事务 of 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. 他于1999年加入十大正规赌博平台大全排行,担任MBA课程的教员. 2005年至2018年,他曾担任该大学的首席学术官. Dr. 华盛顿监督引入了新的学士学位课程, 硕士和博士学位水平, 支持十大正规赌博平台大全排行海外学位项目的实施, 并协调了大学内部的三学院结构. Dr. 华盛顿的评级是B.A. 和M.S. 从西伊利诺伊大学毕业,并获得博士学位.D. 来自俄亥俄州立大学.